Friday, 2 January 2015

Make Your Hair Instantly Silky and Shiny

Every woman wants to have silky and shiny hair. Silky hair is good to deal with and shiny hair is always a choice. Hairstyle matters a lot to your look. An average woman can look pretty with a wonderful hair and a good-looking woman can look awkward with rough and dull hair. It is really easy to maintain your appearance with silky and shiny hair. You just need to comb and flaunt your hair in style!

Let’s know why our hair looks dull and rough. The texture of outer hair contributes in making hair lustrous and silky. The outer layer of healthy hair contains natural oil to keep it moist and shiny. When this layer is damage, your hair will look unhealthy, dull, and dry.

Read: Factors that damage outer layer of hair

If you really want to have healthy tresses; you have to take a bit of effort. Wash your hair at least twice in a week. Do not forget to nourish them with the goodness of oil. Conditioning is must for to keep away from dryness.  

Here are some tips to make your hair instantly silky and shiny:

Method 1 -  4 steps

Step 1: 
Apply egg: Break 2 eggs and mix it thoroughly and apply on hair for at least 30 minutes. You can take 3 or more eggs if your hair is long. (You can mix henna with eggs if you have grey hairs).

Step 2:
Wash hair: Wash your hair with a good shampoo.

Step 3: 
Conditioning: Apply a good conditioner on your hair. Don’t apply conditioner on your scalp. If you have mixed henna with the egg; you don’t need to condition your hair once again as henna is a natural conditioner.

Step 4:(Optional)
Use hair serum: Apply small quantity of hair serum on each and every strand.

Method 2 - 2 steps

Step 1:
Egg and Shampoo: If you are running out of time; this can be the best formula Mix egg and shampoo in a container. Apply them evenly in each and every strands including scalp. Leave the pack on your hair for 20 minutes.

Step 2:
Wash & condition your hair: Wash your hair with a good shampoo. You can also apply conditioner.

Method 3 -  3 step 

Step 1:
Oil: Oil your hair with good hair oil. You can use mineral oil, olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil for oiling.  Wait for 15 minutes

Step 2:  
Wash & condition your hair: Wash your hair with a good shampoo. You can also apply conditioner.

Step 3: (Optional)
Use hair serum: Apply small quantity of hair serum on each and every strand.

These are quick tips to get shiny and silky hair. For long term result, you have to devote little extra time and effort. 

  • Do not blow dry your hair. Take the water out from the strands with a towel.  Leave the hair open for 10-15 minutes to dry. 
  • Don’t comb your hair when wet.

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