Monday, 9 February 2015

Tips to Tackle Oily Skin

Consistent face wash schedule:
If you wash your face too frequently, your facial skin will dry out. It will cause your body to try and compensate by creating more oil. If you don’t wash your face at required time, it will cause old oil to build up

So, follow a consistent face wash schedule to tackle oily face. Wash your face twice daily – in the morning and before going to bed.

Use right face wash or face soap:
Use face wash/soap that is made especially for oily skin. Don’t apply very harsh soap on your face. It will destroy natural oil and will damage the skin.

Wash your face with water at right temperature:
Using hot water will break out the oil. It will also open the pores and clear out the excess oil. Always remember to splash the face with cold water at the end; this will close the pores and tightens the skin.

Apply toner:
Toner is a must have for oily skinned beauties and gentlemen. It closes up the pores and dries up excess oil when applied after face wash. Put few drops of toner on a cotton ball and dab onto face after washing.

Exfoliate with baking soda:
 Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with little water so as to form a paste, and scrub your face for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

Apply fuller’s earth (multani mitti):
Fuller’s earth is boon for oily skin. Mix a tablespoon of multani mitti with required amount of rose water to form a paste. You can also add 2-3 drops of fresh lime juice. Apply the paste on face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. You can follow it twice or thrice in week to keep excess oil away.

Take steam:
Take boiled water in a broad mouthed bowl. Hold your face over the steaming water and cover the head with a towel. This will open the pores and cleanse the impurities such as dust and oil build up from the face.

Eat right:
Avoid oily foods. Include salads and fresh fruits in your fruit. Nuts can also cause oiling on your face.

Keep your hair away from the face:
Scalp oil for the hair can easily transfer to your face. Some hair oil and shampoo also creates oil in hair. Oil from hair will worsen the condition of your oily face.

Use blotting paper to remove excess oil:
Whenever you feel excess of oil on your face, blot the oil using blotting paper. A single-ply tissue paper will also absorb the excess oil effectively.  

Use clean pillow cover:
Wash your pillow case every week. Else, the dirt and oil on your pillow cover will get transferred to your face. Cotton pillow case is safe for oily skinned people. 

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